Canadian MGTOW was born out of a divorce and disillusionment with relationshits in general. At it's height I had over 11,000 subscribers on YouTube and a thriving blog. As I grew, and MGTOW grew in general, the mainstream media and feminism branded us a hate movement.
Imagine, making a CHOICE not be in a relationship with a woman, being labelled as hate. All this while feminism is lauded and the quote "I'm a stong independent woman that needs no man" not even raising an eyebrow. With feminism constantly ranting about rapists and 'evil men', you would think they would be HAPPY there would be less men in their lives. Problem is feminism is based on victimhood. There is great power in victimhood, and every victim needs a perp. Even if that perp is a man that keeps to himself.
Youtube, a leftist censor, carries water for feminism. Overnight, they demonetized any channel with the word or tag MGTOW in it. My channel, and any mgtow channel that I subscribed to, NEVER advocated violence.
The branding of MGTOW as a bunch of incels is so ill informed that it's funny. I would say easily half of MGTOW are either divorced or out of some other kind of long term relationship. Society as a whole doesn't bat an eye at the vitriol of a divorced woman, but change it to a man and all of a sudden he is a 'threat'. One thing is for certain though, you will never see feminsim fighting against these double standards. If feminism didn't have double standards, it would have no standards at all.
Whatever money I earned from youtube was not significant but it was a way of keeping score of how well my channel was doing and growing. Once that was removed, and as censorship increased, motivation to keep going fizzled. Even Redbubble closed my account becausse of my MGTOW inspired designs. I don't like to complain, or come across as a victim. I am just illustrating the forces piling on against MGTOW, much like the various forces that have attacked and limitted EVERYONE'S Freedom since Covid.
To make matters worse, a few years later I thought I would give my channel another go, only to notice that my gmail (and youtube) account had been hacked! I was no longer able to log into YouTube, my gmail, Twitter, or even this blog.
Recently I found one long forgotten email address I had used as an alternate way to get a link from google to change my password when one clicks on the 'Forgot my password' link. My account is now restored.
Not sure what the future holds, but the rumours of my death are greatly exaggerated.
Canadian MGTOW
Learn more about MGTOW here. Don't allow corporate media, let alone feminsim, define what MGTOW is.